It was a great idea in theory, but I had no idea how it would work in a real world environment. It was scary to drive, but at least other drivers would yield against any moves I made. I also didn't know that it didn't come with any bedding. Thankfully, Lindsay(Costello's girlfriend) is a Phoenix native and supplied us with about all we needed.
Friday night we were supposed to go to the Brewers/Padres game, but Dan & Costello's flight came in late, so me and Campbell went solo. Prince Fielder hit a massive shot, but of course, I didn't think to record it. It's actually still in the air as of press time. We all met up after the game for a few drinks at the Rock Bottom Brewery and then a few drinks in the RV. After settling down we drove out to set up camp near the next days game. We settled at a Walmart parking lot that seemed tame enough, but as you'll see in the video, we got rudely awakened.
The whole trip video compilation!
That day we headed to the Royals/Brewers game where LADave met up with us. I was looking forward to the sausage races, and figured Churizo would win because it was Churizo bobblehead day, but it wasn't meant to be. We then headed to the Coyotes game early and tried out the RV shower before we headed in. We got to watch the Pac10 Final game at the Fox Sports Bar before and was actually pleasantly surprised at how good their food was despite their crappy beer selection. As for the hockey game, it was one of the worst in recent memory. For a team fighting for a playoff spot, the Coyotes played one of the most uninspired games ever. It was nice to get free green St. Patrick's Day Coyotes hats, but it would of been nicer if the cold air wasn't turned on in our section.

After the game, we headed to a Dave & Busters which was singularly the most genius/idiotic idea of the trip. I liked the cheap beer and the most games were fun enough, but as it got closer to closing time, things got retarded. Everyone started sliding their cards into this game that would give you coins that got flung into the game and if any fell over the edge, you won tickets. I think we literally spent $60 dollars on it. We had a little argument at the ticket redemption center as Dan really wanted the oversized pink Little Mermaid ball, but we settled on a purple metallic soccer ball and three inflatable hammers.

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