Monday, September 17, 2007

Berkeley - Big Sur Trip Day 4

Day 4: We headed out midday to Monterey to hit up the aquarium. There's a reason why it's world famous. Unfortunately, we weren't able to take pictures of it all because flash photography is restricted. That didn't stop us from accidentally taking some shots.

Later on in the day we headed downtown. We went to a chicken place owned by one of my mom's friends called "Bird on a Wire". I had to give it a plug here because the chicken tasted just as good as California Chicken Cafe, but was more consistantly tasty. You have to try it to see what I mean.

William Tecumseh Sherman's House

I love California history, but I didn't know that Monterey was one of the oldest settlements in the west. This was a picture of Sherman's house which he lived in BEFORE he was a general for the Union Army. There are a lot a buildings still existing from the 1850's and earlier. I definitely want to go back and explore more.

1 comment:

Ramsey said...

Monterey Bay Aquarium, Yeah! IT was one of those places my family would go on summer vacation!! I love that place.