Thursday, November 29, 2007
One Year Anniversary!

Friday, November 2, 2007
Halloween - West Hollywood Style!
Of course, I had no success at the Dan Mack party of anyone figuring out who I was. My hope was in the mass of 300,000 revelers that I'd get at least ten people recognizing who I was.
Unfortunately, most people thought I was just a phone salesman, saying things like "Free Phones?", "Where's the Phones?" and "Give me a Phone!" Yes, it got tedious after awhile. But it was a high-risk, high-reward costume. I got seventeen confirmed sightings. The best part was the quotes from the show referencing my girlfriend like, "Did you walk around the outside of her?" or "She's so hot she's like boom!" My favorite though was the David Bowie inspired, "Wear the eyepatch Brit! Wear the funky, funky eyepatch!"
As for the rest of the evening, a lot of awesome costumes. I could write a descriptive narrative, but getting a camera would help. Especially, one with a flash. We did get a picture of my favorite costume of the night. Fortunately, I didn't need a flash for it:
Finally, Barbara went as Betty Boop. She got a few sightings, but after a couple of hours being out there, she was starting to get cold and her feet were hurting from her heels. Well, after we met up with her friend Activate(going as Britney Spears) who had it worse off in both fronts, I think she realized how good she had it.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Berkeley - Big Sur Day 1
Since we had a few hours to kill before the game, I gave Barbara a tour of the campus. There's so much architectural history that I could take hours, but we jaunted by all the main sites, like Doe Library, the Campanile, and the west entrance. We met up at Sproul Plaza where the band performed before their final march up the stadium.
After a short walk past the treehuggers, we were in the stadium. There was a large Tennessee contingent, but fortunately, Cal fans outnumbered the Vols about 6-1. The atmosphere was electric. The Tennessee fans were eccentric.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Berkeley - Big Sur Trip Day 2
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Berkeley - Big Sur Trip Day 3
Monday, September 17, 2007
Berkeley - Big Sur Trip Day 4
Later on in the day we headed downtown. We went to a chicken place owned by one of my mom's friends called "Bird on a Wire". I had to give it a plug here because the chicken tasted just as good as California Chicken Cafe, but was more consistantly tasty. You have to try it to see what I mean.
William Tecumseh Sherman's House
Berkeley - Big Sur Trip Day 5
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Berkeley - Big Sur Trip Day 6-7
Dinner at Novo
The next morning, we got up and went to my all time favorite breakfast place in the universe, Apple Farm. Everything is so good there that I try to sample every item possible. Afterwards, we had time to walk around downtown SLO in the daylight before leaving for my show. Sad to end the trip, but the afternoon definitely left us something to come back to.
San Luis Obispo Mission
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Bonds Mania!
We got seats in the most likely place Bonds would hit his 755th home run, the right field pavilion, which also has now morphed into the all you can eat pavilion. More on that later. The scene was wild every time he came to bat as everyone funnelled to the bottom of the section for the chance to catch history and quite possibly a million dollars.

The all you can eat section was something I always wanted to try, but I probably would never find myself out there without any good reason other than to gorge myself. The section was well run and you could pretty much grab what you wanted. My previous record for dodger dogs at a game was three, so I was really surprised I only topped that record by one. I felt like I could of had more, but luckily reasoning set in because the next few days felt like someone was inflating my stomach like a hot air balloon. A word to the wise, try it once, but don't buy season tickets there.

Saturday, July 28, 2007
Flight of the Conchords!!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Kobe Help Coming?

Sunday, June 3, 2007
Sorry I'm unable to answer your calls..
My main motivation is that I'm sick of terrestrial radio's music stations with comercials, and I wanted a more variety of talk options. For those reasons, Sirius you could argue is the slightly better choice, but XM has MLB, NHL and Pac-10 coverage, the top three sporting networks I

While the service has been great, the player I have is the topper. On top of it being a radio, it also works as an MP3 player. The best option is that if you've just switched channels and hit a song you like halfway in, you could hit the record button and it will save the whole song onto your device. I also like that you can easily set up prerecordings of certain shows and it will notify you when your favorite artists are playing on another channel.
To be fair, the negatives is that I don't get total reception, but mostly when I go through the canyons. They have a headset that also works as an antenna, so I'll give that a go soon. Also, setting the hookup into the car takes a little work, but I haven't put more than two minutes into it, so it's unfair to say.
So if Christmas comes early for you this year, get the Pioneer Inno.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Jerseys.. jerseys...jerseys
I originally started out by buying anything seen as a bargain($20 tops), but like any hobby you
I'm getting to the point now where I'm starting to be real selective because I can't afford all the jerseys I sort of like. So to see where I'm going, these are the top five jerseys I'd be looking for in an ideal world:
1935 Homestead Grays - I've always been a big fan of the Negro Leagues. Satchel Paige is

1915 Chicago Whales - Most people don't know that there were other rival major leagues in

1987 Cleveland Indians - Major League is a damn good movie

1948 Oakland Oaks - Before baseball moved cross country, the west had it's